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Can I cancel my booking?

Help for Renters needing to cancel a booking

Updated over 3 months ago

If you want to cancel a confirmed booking, the rules around refunds will depend on the reason and timing of your cancellation:

Hourly bookings (parking only)

If you’ve made an hourly booking, you can cancel up to 24 hours before the start time to get a full refund.

If you cancel less than 24 hours before, you can only get a refund if you’re cancelling for a qualifying reason. You can read more about qualifying reasons for cancelling below.

All hourly bookings have a grace period, allowing you to cancel within 15 minutes of confirming a booking to still get a refund.

Monthly bookings (parking & storage)

If you’ve made a monthly booking, you can cancel up to 24 hours before the start date to get a full refund.

If you cancel less than 24 hours before, you will be charged a cancellation fee of £25. This will be waived if you cancel due to a qualifying reason.

If you wish to terminate a Monthly Rolling Booking after the Start Date and Time, you will need to provide at least one calendar month’s written notice to Stashbee and the Host, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Renter, the Host, and Stashbee.

Cancelling due to a qualifying reason

In some circumstances, you might be able to get a full refund even if you cancel with less than 24 hours before the booking starts. Qualifying reasons include:

  • The description of the space in the listing is materially inaccurate

  • The space contains health & safety hazards that could harm you or your items

  • The Space Owner is unable to provide access to the space on your start date

  • The Space Owner is found to be in breach of the Stashbee Terms and Conditions

  • You have to cancel because of an unexpected circumstance outside of your control

For more details, you can read our full Cancellations & Refunds policy here.

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